. . . section below to personalise the appearance of your pages. */ $title=str_replace("-"," ",$folder); $curScript = basename(__FILE__); $fileh = opendir("$folder"); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($fileh))) { $filenames[] = $filename; } sort($filenames); $choice = $_GET['f']; if ($choice == "") { $choice = "index"; } ?> <?php print($title . ": " . $choice) ?> $title
\n"); $arraysize = sizeof($filenames) - 1; for ($i = 2; $i <= $arraysize; $i++) { $fileName = $filenames[$i]; if ($fileName <> "index.php") { $fileDesc = str_replace("-", " ", $fileName); print("$fileDesc\n"); } } } else { // return navigation print("index page\n"); // offer to download the text file print("download text file
\n"); print("
\n"); // pre-wrapped text files ? if ($preFormattedTextFiles == "yes") { print("
            // include the chosen file
            include($folder . "/" . $choice);
            // pre-wrapped text files ?
	    if ($preFormattedTextFiles == "yes") {
\n"); } print("
\n"); } ?>