How to . . .

How to add a picture

Establish its name. Albums are sorted in strictly alphabetical order by filename so if it is going to appear in a particular place in an album, then consider its filename in relation to others and that numerical filenames need to have the same number of characters in the same folder (001, 002 or 01, 02 and so on). Note that Windows filer does not use a strict alphabetical order and perhaps your FTP client doesn't either. Perhaps only the website will.

Please avoid spaces and all other punctuation apart from .  _ and - in filenames.

Let's imagine you've decided your new picture needs to be called abc123.jpg

You now need two new versions of it. One that is constrained to an imaginary 800 pixel (px) square and another to a 320px square.

(e.g. from a a 4000x3000 picture, create one 800x600 and another 320x240 and from a 300x720 one, copy one as 300x720 (or 'blow it up' to 333x800), and create one of 133x320)

Tips: In your bitmap editor ("photoshop" equivalent) create 95% quality JPEG files and apply a gentle sharpen to the smallest one if it's a photograph.

To keep life easy, let's call the two new versions of your picture
abc123-800.jpg and

You also must create a Text (.txt) file (with Notepad or 'save as' .txt from another app) called abc123.txt and write in it only the photo's caption for the Picture page. This is usually the filename, without the .jpg and with spaces not underlines but can be anything simple. For no caption, you must use at least an empty file.

You now have four files:

abc123.jpg             the original
abc123-800.jpg         medium-sized
abc123-320.jpg and     small
abc123.txt             its caption, even if blank

NB: For the order and correspondence to be maintained, it is important to use the same root filename (abc123 in this example).

Now open your FTP client, and enter your credentials or re-open the site and navigate your way to the folder which represents the Album to which you wish to add this photo.

Inside the album folder there will be at least one file and four sub-folders. The sub-folders which apply are:
ca - CAptions
me - MEdium sized photos
or - ORiginal photos
sm - SMall photos

And this is where you put copies of those four files:
ca - CAptions             - abc123.txt
me - MEdium sized photos  - abc123-800.jpg 
or - ORiginal photos      - abc123.jpg
sm - SMall photos         - abc123-320.jpg

Take care in case the folders are not shown in this order. It is sometimes useful to have your FTP client display file sizes as a visual clue.

Roughly and generally, the files in . . .
ca -  tend to be tens of bytes
sm -  are 20K - 40K
me -  are 50K - 200K or anything
or -  are anything

Right. That's it. Once those four files are in place, the Album should show the new photo within moments. You may need to reload any page in the browser which relates to this album.

If it doesn't work . . .

If when you visit the Album the page says "The Pix directories do not contain the same number of files." then something has gone wrong. The folders 'ca', 'sm', 'me', and 'or' must contain the same number of files. They don't have to have identical names but there must be the same number of files in each folder. There is an assumed correspondence between the first file in each folder, the second, the third and so on to the last when they are sorted alphabetically. If you identify a missing or extra file somewhere, take great care to add/remove the correct one.