How to . . .

How to remove a picture

N.B. If you are changing a picture the action of copying it over an old file is recommended. It ensures that you have kept the same filemane and the site will continue to work as intended while you make changes.

A file's name will be shown in a browser address bar's URL if you click though to the original, or underneath it on a Picture page if the filename is in its caption file (see add-a-picture).

Once you have its URL, or know from the filename its Album and therefore the folder it resides in, it is easy to find.

Open your FTP client, enter your credentials if necessary, and navigate to the folder on the website containing the image you want to remove. In that folder are four directories:

ca - CAptions
me - MEdium sized photos
or - ORiginal photos
sm - SMall photos

You must remove one file from each directory to successfully remove a photograph from an Album. i.e. delete FOUR files. Fortunately, the filenames were preserved from the original CD, albeit with underscores replacing spaces and numerical files padded with zeroes.

Let's say you want to remove photo 565.jpg and you know which album it's in. Navigate to that album and open the 'ca', 'me', 'or' and 'sm' folders. Each of 'me', 'or' and 'sm' will contain a version of 565.jpg so delete those three and then delete 565.txt in the 'ca' folder.

That's it. To delete one photo, simply delete its three versions and its caption.

Tip: If the photo appears in more than one album, its four files will need to be deleted from every one.

If when you visit the Album the page says "The Pix directories do not contain the same number of files." then something has gone wrong. The folders 'ca', 'sm', 'me', and 'or' must contain the same number of files. They don't have to have identical names but there must be the same number of files in each folder. There is an assumed correspondence between the first file in each folder, the second, the third and so on to the last when they are sorted alphabetically. If you identify a missing or extra file somewhere, take great care to add/remove the correct one.