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FILE: article-viewer

From: Jonathan Duddington 
Subject: Article Viewer
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 12:30
Source: docs

The Article Viewer window is used to read Articles in the article
database. An article can be displayed by double-clicking on its entry
in an Article List window. 

The main Text part of the Article Viewer window is
generally read-only, but editing can be enabled from the Write button
if required. 

CTRL-A    Select all text.
CTRL-B    Fetch Body of article (after downloading the header)
CTRL-C    Copy selected text to clipboard. [1]
CTRL-D    Set today's date in Article Viewer [3]
CTRL-E    Set state to Read/Unlocked (yellow).
CTRL-SH-E Allow Edit.
CTRL-F    Format paragraph at cursor.
CTRL-SH-F Toggle between different text fonts.
CTRL-SH-G Remove  - used to view HTML or Rich text.
CTRL-H    Toggle internet headers.
CTRL-K    Delete Article, and open next.  [2]
CTRL-SH-K Delete Article, and open next unread.
CTRL-L    Lock Article (blue).
CTRL-M    Mark Article (green).
CTRL-N    Open Next Article.  [2]
CTRL-SH-N Open Next Unread Article.
CTRL-O    ROT13 encoding/decoding of selected text.
CTRL-P    Open Previous Article.  [2]
CTRL-SH-P Open Previous Unread article.    
CTRL-Q    Add Quoting indentation to selected text. [3]
CTRL-SH-Q Transpose characters at cursor. [3]
CTRL-R    Move article to the archive box.  [2]
CTRL-SH-R Move article to the archive box and open next unread article.
CTRL-S    Swap case of character at cursor. [3]
CTRL-T    Skip Thread, open next article  [2]
CTRL-SH-T Skip Thread, open next unread article. 
CTRL-U    Mark article as Unread.
CTRL-V    Paste from clipboard to cursor position. [1][3]
CTRL-W    Open Write Mail/News window (quoting text).
CTRL-X    Delete selected text and copy to clipboard. [1][3]
CTRL-Y    Process text with PGP (decrypt or check signature)
CTRL-Z    Unselect text.

Cursor keys:  As standard.
Note, CTRL-SHIFT-UP & CTRL-SHIFT-DOWN scroll the text but keep the cursor
at the same position on the screen.

Copy      Delete next character. [3]
Delete    Delete previous character. [3]
CTRL-Del  Delete line. [3]
Escape    Toggle speech pause on/off.  Close Spell window.
Print     Print Article
Tab       Insert spaces to a multiple of 10 character positions.

CTRL-F2   Close Window
F3        Save Article to file.
CTRL-F3   Save Article to standard place.
F4        Find text string in Article.
CTRL-F4   Next match (from Find dialogue)
F6        Move article to another Box.
SHIFT-F6  Copy article to another Box.
F7        Add sender's name to address book.
F8        Start speaking from cursor position.
F9        Correct spelling error.

[1]   Depends on the Edit Style.  This can be set from
      Preferences->Misc from the icon bar menu.

[2]   Hold down SHIFT to get next/previous Unread article.

[3]   Editing is disallowed in the Article Viewer window until
      enabled by clicking EDIT from the "Write" button dialogue
[4]   Write Mail/News windows only.


Backwards (Back arrow icon).
   Open the previous article.  Use with SHIFT or ADJUST to open the
   previous Unread article.

Forwards (Forwards arrow icon).
   Open the next article.  Use with SHIFT or ADJUST to open the next
   Unread article.

Delete (Bin icon).
   Delete this Article and open the next Article.
   Use with SHIFT or ADJUST to open the next Unread article.

   MENU button shows a menu of the last few deleted articles (choose
   from the menu to undelete it).

Save (Disc icon).
   SELECT: Save Article to file.  Options to save with a short header
      and to remove any signature.  [4]

   ADJUST:  Save any changes to the article text and header fields
      into its current place the article database.

Un-Lock (Yellow square icon).
   SELECT: Removes LOCKED or MARKED status from the Article.
      If the Article is unread, it removes the Unread status.

   ADJUST: Sets the article to UNREAD status.

Lock (Blue square icon).
   SELECT: Locks the article against expiry and deletion.
      If the Article is unread, it removes the Unread status.

   ADJUST: sets the article to MARKED (green square)
      rather than LOCKED (blue square).

Speak (Lips icon).
   SELECT:  Start the text speaking from the cursor position.
      Click again to stop the text speaking.

   SHIFT-SELECT:  Return the cursor to following the text as it
      is spoken.

   ADJUST:  Open the Speak options dialogue box. (See below).

   Opens a Print dialogue box.  Options are provided to print with a
   short header, and to remove any signature.  [4]

Expand Internet Headers (Up/Down orange arrows icon).
   Toggles between showing or hiding the full internet header that was
   received with the Article.

Archive (Filing cabinet icon).
   SELECT:  Shows a menu of the available Boxes.
      The article is moved to the chosen box.

   SHIFT-SELECT:  Shows a menu of the available Boxes.
      The article is copied to the chosen Box.

   ADJUST:  Moves the article to the Archive Box which has been
      specified for this Box, without showing a menu.

Box Indicator (a text display icon).
   This shows which Box the Article is currently in.

Write (Pencil icon).
   Opens the Reply dialogue box (see below).  This allows the text to
   be edited, or replies sent by Mail or News.
   Note that a the Article text remains read-only until editing is
   allowed from here.

Expand Title (Black down-arrow).
   This expands the title area to reveal two extra fields, Comment and Keyword.    You can type additional text in these to help with searching for articles.

[4]  To save or print an Article with its full internet header, display the
     internet header on the screen by using the Show Internet Header button.


Double clicking on a URL will attempt to fetch it into the Web Browser.

Double clicking on an email address will open the Write Mail window with this address set in its "To:".

Cats.  This is the "Categories" list.  An article may be given one or more predefined Categories to help with searching.  See below.

The "Format Text" command - CTRL-F - is useful for cases where lines in the original text were too long, and the layout has been messed up by word-wrapping.


The "Cats" field allows the article to be given one or more Categories.
Categories are pre-defined words which can be used to mark articles.

They may be topics.  For example, "humour" could be used to mark any
article which is humourous, irrespective of its newsgroup.

Or they may be used to indicate some use.  For example, a category to
mark the article as relevent to some project that you might be doing
in the future.

Categories can be set up by choosing the "Categories" option in the
icon bar menu. [More work needs to be done on Category set-up).

To add a category to an article, either

a. Type its name into the Cats field, or

b. Click with Menu on the Cats field.  This opens the Categories window.
   Adjust-click on a Category from there to add it to the article.

To remove a Category from an article, click the Delete Category
button (red cross icon) in the Article Viewer window.  This deletes
the first Category in the list.  You can bring any Category to the
front of the list by adjust-clicking it.

Once Categories have been allocated to articles, they can be used as

a.  Articles in an Article List can be sorted according to their
    FIRST category.

b.  Articles with a specified Category, or with any of a specified list
    of Categories, can be selected from an Article List.

See under Article Lists for details.


The Keys field in the Article Viewer can be used to give a number of
keywords to an article.  These can be considered similar to
Categories, except that the names are not previously defined.  The
Keys field can be searched for a specified string when selecting
articles from an Article List.

The Keys field remains hidden in the Article Viewer if it is empty. 
It can be revealed by clicking on the Expand Title button (yellow
triangle icon).

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