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FILE: get-going-newshound-pop

From: Jonathan Duddington 
Subject: Get Going: NewsHound & !POP
Date: Wed, 10 Sep 1997 03:00
Source: docs


Run !NewsHound and !POP. This is necessary so that they set up various
system variables which say where files and directories are.

Copy the !Pluto application directory onto your harddisc.

From the !Pluto iconbar menu, select Preferences->News.

Click over the box to the right of "News Transport" and select
"NewsHound" from the menu.  For the "Mail Transport" select "POP"
(or "FreeSMTP" if that's the mail fetcher that you are using).

This will look at the system variables which NewsHound and !POP have
set up to indicate where the News and Mail incoming and outgoing
directories are.  Pluto also reads NewsHound's subscribed-newsgroups
list at this point.

Once this has been done, then it can find them even though NewsHound
and !POP is not running.


In the POP Mail Transport Settings window, set the following:

   (Incoming) Mailbox File:  .spool.mail

   Set the "RMail" option.

   (Outgoing) Queue Directory: .spool.mqueue

Set Up News Details

Set the "Domain" field to the part of your email address which follows
@ symbol, eg. "argonet.co.uk" or "something.demon.co.uk".

Set the U.name field to your main email name (i.e. the name before
the @ in your email address).  This is only used by Pluto in the
Path: line in outgoing news postings.

Click OK.

Set Up User/Mail Details

From the !Pluto icon bar icon, select Lists->Users.

This should bring up a Users list which contains one user name -
Fred Bloggs.  Double-click on this to bring up the User dialogue box.

Change the "User Id" to your user name.  This is the name that
precedes the "@" character in your email address.

Type your full name into "Name".

Make sure that the "In Box" and "Log Box" fields are set to
the document boxes into which you want incoming and logged-outgoing
mails to appear.

To set up a signature file for this user, click on the "Edit Sig"
button.  This brings up an editor window into which you can type
your sig.  If you already have a signature file somewhere, just drop
it into this text window. 

Click OK.

If you have additional email addresses, these can be added by
clicking the Add button (black Plus sign icon) on the Users list

You may want to use different "In Box" and "Log Box" for each email
address, so you may need to create additional document Boxes for
these. See below.

Transfering Stored News From NewsBase

To copy a directory containing alored news articles from NewsBase
into Pluto:

Look in !NewsDir.Newsbase and find the directory which contains the
news articles.  Drag the directory onto the Pluto icon bar icon.

This will load all the files (recursively) into the article data
base. They will be placed in the document Box which is specified in
the "In Box" field of the Preferences->News dialogue.

If you have a lot of news articles stored, then this will take some

Click with Select on the !Pluto icon bar icon to open the list of
Boxes. The numbers on the line for "News In" indicate the number of
unread and read articles respectively in that box.

Double click on the "News In" line to open the "News In" box.  An
empty window, titled "News In" should appear.  It's empty because
the News In box is set up to show only unread articles.

Click on the Up/Down arrow button (last on the right on the button
bar) to toggle between showing all or just unread articles.

Debatching Incoming News and Mail

Run !INewsHound and !POP Connect to fetch news and mail from the Internet.

Once Transfer is complete,
Click on the "Fetch" button of !Pluto's Boxes list window to debatch
the news and mail articles from the incoming raw news and mail

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Please note that Pluto is supplied with a more comprehensive and up-to-date StrongHelp manual than these text files. Select Help… in Pluto’s iconbar menu.

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