Google Calendar Event URL Generator
A means to create a URL which adds an event to a Google calendar
This page up to date on: 13 Jan 2025
Okay, this is not a RISC OS thing at all but this HTML form was written when I was collating the RISC OS Events Calendar so it ended up here. Welcome Linioswin stranger, if a search has brought you to a place where nothing is of any use to you except this...
I present this simple FORM because Google's own tool for creating a URL which itself creates a Calendar entry seems to have vanished from the internet and I find it easier to use this method than editing the raw URLs for the links. One is in use underneath the RISC OS London Show banner, below. The date entry may seem an inelegant way of entering the time/date and the strings could be longer than the 35 limit but this was all I needed when I cobbled it together. By all means steal this FORM and adapt it. As it stands there is no input checking but errors are quickly revealed when you try and use the link! I will leave the reader to decide where they may wish to copy and paste the URL created.Note: RISC OS Netsurf allows you to log in to Google which then tries to open the Create Event page created with this FORM but all you will see is a blank page and your generated URL in the address bar. The page has too much Javascript for Netsurf to cope but you now have the URL which can be copied to the clipboard and pasted elsewhere.